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Generative-AI Adoption Toolkit

Published onJul 23, 2024
Generative-AI Adoption Toolkit


This Generative-AI Adoption Toolkit is meant to answer an important question for today’s technology leaders: How can I help my team adopt AI-assisted coding tools and practices in a human-centered and evidence-based way?

This question may never be more salient – and the stakes may never be higher – than at this moment. New research from the Developer Success Lab looks at the sociocognitive factors that predict how software engineers engage, adapt, and thrive during this transition to AI-assisted software work. This research unveils a new evidence-based framework for helping developers, engineering managers, and leaders as they grapple with the human side of the transition: AI Skill Threat.

AI Skill Threat occurs when developers fear that those skills that have contributed to their success as code writers may become obsolete, thus threatening their identities as software practitioners. In our research, 45% of developers showed evidence of worry, anxiety and fear about whether they could succeed in this era with their current technical skill set. And yet, we also found that developers are poised and eager to address the threat they’re feeling, with 74% of developers reporting that they plan to actively upskill in AI-assisted coding tools and technologies.

Find the full toolkit at the link below.

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